Production Services


  • ABV Technology has deployed Equalizers in service centers around North America to allow beverage producers access to the technology as a service option, before investing in an Equalizer.

  • The machines are located at host breweries/wineries we call service centers, under which beverages can be transferred in bond and processed on a per bbl basis with a minimum of just 1 bbl.

  • We offer FREE 1/2bbl demo runs! Contact us to schedule, this is a unique service that we offer which allows you to send a keg each of a few different brands to see how they turn out through the machine. This is a key r&d option for those considering large scale production runs and who may want to alter an existing recipe to become a better non-alcoholic version.

  • Keg to keg processing - Example: From one pallet of kegs you get a pallet of hard seltzer and/or a pallet of NA beer (minus losses and efficiencies).

    • Inline carbonation is available for keg processing, making the NA or Filtrate ready to tap.

  • Larger production runs can utilize bulk transportation options. Contact us for details. We use metallized DO neutral bags.

Unfinished Filtrate (Hard Seltzer Base)

  • Purchase unfinished hard seltzer from our service centers, so you don’t have to brew it!

  • Crystal clear, tasteless base.

  • 5% and 10% options, custom ABV can be quoted.

  • Orders from a minimum of just 1 bbl!

  • Keg, 10 bbl tote, or 8 bbl Bag in a Tote (BiaT) collection.